Catch T’Amère

The spectacular improvisational theatre catch Catch T’Amère celebrated its 10th season. For the occasion I helped in renewing their visuals. This is a selection of posters, banners, logos, I designed and illustrated.
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I created the illustrations and layout for a guidebook and cards for this educational tool by Cultures&Santé. It aims to stir up the conversation about the mechanisms put in place by new communication and information technologies and the changes they provoke in our everyday life.
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Immencité is a board game created by DoucheFLUX with the help of Cultures&Santé. It allows its players to learn and exchange about the question of homelessness by placing them in real situations lived by people living in the streets. I participated in its production creating all of the graphical elements and design, notably the board which with its size and complexity posed an exciting challenge.
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Carnet de route

I developed illustrations and layout for this booklet by the cyclist association GRACQ. It is a guide that presents the functioning and structure of this organization and sheds light on the different tools available to local groups to develop their own projects.
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